Martin Millers Gin made from the heart

Gin Brands United Kingdom

Westbourne Studios 242, Acklam Road Portobello London W10 5JJ UK

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Martin Millers Gin made from the heart

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Our Story

In a world where everybody had accepted that gin had hit rock bottom, Martin Miller and his two friends decided to go against the grain. “If nobody wants to do it, we’ll do it ourselves”.

Martin Miller Gin Renaissance

So, with virtually no knowledge, they went back to the roots and origins of the category, to learn how to craft the finest gin, just for their personal pleasure of enjoying the taste of authentic gin again.

Since then, Martin Miller’s Gin has become the first modern-day high-quality gin, thus triggering the gin renaissance.

Martin Miller was everything but an ordinary man. A traditionalist at heart, his visionary and artistic soul were stronger when fully focused on projects he loved, no matter how crazy they were in the eyes of others.

paper boats martin Millers

From publishing an etiquette guide to dabbling in photography and to hosting pop concerts and parties … but it was his love and knowledge of art and antiques that made him famous by publishing his celebrated
Miller’s Antique Price Guides.

That unrestrainable passion for the arts led him to assemble a large collection and to found the Miller’s Academy, an arts-and-science lecture venue in London.

Martin Millers Big Ben London

Martin Miller’s Original Gin. A modern classic dry gin based on the best traditions of English distillers but with our own twist to obtain the perfectly balanced gin. A gin that ‘tasted of gin’ in the words of Martin Miller.

Martin Millers Gin

Martin Miller’s Original Gin, is pot distilled using two separate distillations of the very best earthy and citrus based botanicals. This imparts its unique balance of citrus and juniper.

The final distillate is blended to strength using Icelandic spring water. It emerges in a state so pure that there is no need to artificially demineralise or distill it, giving the gin its gentle bouquet and trademark sensation.

Smooth and citrus. An excellent balance where juniper is still dominant but a citrus freshness is also allowed to shine through. A gin that ‘tastes of gin’.

Martin Millers Pure


Its alcohol level enhances a smooth flavour with lemon peels and pine notes.


The slight liquorice sweetness enhance the citrus and spiced sensations.


Long and fresh feeling with lemon notes.

Martin Miller’s Westbourne Gin. A gin for those in the know, its name derives from the location of Martin Miller’s own residence in Westbourne Grove in London, where the brand was conceived.

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Created in response to requests by ‘mixologists’ for a Martin Miller’s Gin that would give a more ‘old school’ authenticity to their classic repertoire of cocktails and help them create more fully-flavoured inventions.

It became a bartender’s favourite from the very beginning, enjoying an underground cult status and closely-guarded secret among the bar fraternity.

Since its launch, Martin Miller’s Westbourne Gin has been awarded the highest score ever in some competitions and continues gathering top prizes from worldwide tasting panels and juries including The World’s Best Gin according to BTI in 2020.

Intense and citrus. An emphasis on the spicier, peppery notes of cassia and nutmeg. Harnessed to an exact higher craft strength for a smooth and attractive alcohol sensation.


Intense citrus peels integrated with juniper and a very smooth alcohol balance


Subtle sweetness from liquorice enhances the citrus presence


Long freshness feeling


Martin Miller’s Gin is widely recognized as the world’s first ‘super premium’ gin. It has consistently won more awards for excellence in the world’s leading spirit competitions than any other gin in the last 15 years.

Martin Miller’s 9 Moons Gin is a high strength gin, cask-aged for 9 months in Iceland. A Solera Vat process gives excellent consistency while maintaining the complex and distinctive taste.

Martin Millers 9 Moon Gin

When ageing spirits, the rule of thumb is the longer, the better. However, we found that this gin needs precisely 9 months to tune up its flavour, endowing a little magic during that time resting in its oaky bed.

Getting carried away and over-ageing would ruin the delicacy of this gin, sometimes knowing when to stop is more important than being patient!

Martin Millers 9Moon jpg

Iceland’s cold but dry climate significantly slows down the ageing process giving us the possibility to precisely measure the progress of this complex and intriguing spirit.

Elegant and oaky. The juniper flavour is matched with a perfect balance of vanilla and citrus aromas. Creamy in the mouth with toasted oak in the finish.


Lemon peels in the first impression integrated with juniper, after that, the perfectly-balanced vanilla appears.


Slight sweetness with a creamy feeling.


Really long with notes of oak.

Martin Miller’s Summerful Gin adds an extra distillation of seasonal Rosemary from England and Arctic Thyme from Iceland to the Martin Miller’s Original Gin flagship variant.

Only available in selected markets.

Martin millers Summerful giin jpg

Our first-ever seasonal edition pays tribute to the brand’s dual heritage and all good things of summer. Available during Spring and Summer, it stands out, above all, for its freshness. Ideal for more refreshing G&T’s and Dry Martinis al fresco.

Arctic thyme adds floral flavours to the lemon and balsamic aromas found in Rosemary which together balance with our citrus and juniper classic profile.


Refined herbal and floral notes of lavender and sage with mint notes.


Smooth sweetness with balsamic notes and spring countryside flowers.


Intense freshness.

Inspired by ingredients commonly used in home-made mulled wine recipes in England and Iceland, Martin Miller’s Winterful Gin includes cinnamon and mandarin orange peel, added during a third distillation, to the Original blend.

Only available in selected markets.

Martin Millers Gin Winterful

Homage to the best winter traditions in both England and Iceland, this seasonal variant stands out for its warming flavour profile. Ideal for curling up in front of the fireplace on those cold winter evenings, it can be enjoyed both hot and cold.

Intense and citrus. The mandarin and juniper are present in the nose. In the mouth the cinnamon is dominant before the mandarin reappears in the long finish.


Intense mandarin flavour with a warm and complex background and notes of cinnamon.


The first taste is cinnamon: sweet on the tip of the tongue. After that the spicy and sweet notes from cardamom start to appear.


The long aftertaste clearly delivers the mandarin: refreshing citrus balanced with the complexity of the spices.

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