Hendricks Remarkable Gin out Friendly Garvin

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Hendricks Gin Palace Architect

gin palace Hendricks

Hendricks Remarkable Gin out Friendly Garvin / Palace

MLA were commissioned to design Hendrick’s new Gin Palace, in order to double capacity and create a bespoke new home for the brand.

The distillery is formed of four key elements; A Victorian inspired walled garden which encloses three Glasshouses, a central accommodation spine which houses a bar, a lab space and a lecture theatre, three individual still houses and an external service yard with support facilities for the distillation process.

In the central stillhouse, a dark colour palette allows the original bright copper stills to stand out within their surroundings. A bespoke, stained-glass oculus sits directly above them.

The Gin Palace serves as a platform to educate and inspire ambassadors and bartenders about the unique spirit, but, most importantly it gives Hendrick’s a fitting home for their wonderfully eccentric Gin.

A fantastic team effort with a great Client and Brand Team and some outstanding work by Ross McNally at Scarinish.

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Hendricks Remarkable Gin out Friendly Garvin

WGA2 Hendricks Gin Palace

Hendricks Remarkable Gin out Friendly Garvin

WGA2 Hendricks 05 Gin Palce

WGA2 Hendricks 04 Gin Palace

WGA2 Hendricks Botanical

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Hendricks Remarkable Gin out Friendly Garvin

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WGA2 Hendricks 10 The Bar

WGA2 Hendricks 11 The bar

Hendricks Remarkable Gin out Friendly Garvin

Hendricks Remarkable Gin out Friendly Garvin

Hendricks Remarkable Gin out Friendly Garvin

Imbued with untamed exuberance and poetry, Hendrick’s Grand Cabaret boasts a rich ensemble of bright flavours that seduce the senses. It’s designed to appeal to free spirited souls seeking a wildly indulgent, yet altogether refreshing spirit for their glorious gatherings. The exquisitely extravagant expression will be the biggest release yet from Hendrick’s Cabinet of Curiosities and will be available in over 50 markets internationally.

hendricks Gin grand cabaret

Hendricks Remarkable Gin out Friendly Garvin

1999 – TRIUMPH OF THE UNUSUAL Finally, Mr. Gordon and Ms. Gracie achieve “a peculiar sort of deliciousness” by firing up BOTH the Carter-Head and Bennett Stills with an odd symphony of botanicals further enlivened with curious infusions of cucumber and rose. Against all odds, they concoct the odd perfection that becomes known as HENDRICK’S Gin.

Hendrick’s Master Distiller, Lesley Gracie, was inspired after reading about a stone fruit eau de vie that was served with a dash of gin and scented with rose, which gained popularity at fashionable Parisian parties in the early 1900s. This eau de vie was in turn inspired by a 17th Century revelation: the distilling of stone fruit which yielded a wildly indulgent tasty potion.

Lesley has long been tantalised by the notion of experimenting with unusual combinations of botanical fruits, and yet this was the first time she’s selected stone fruits to anchor a rich cabaret of flavours in a gin. Pirouettes of decadent stone fruit share the stage with sweet herbs and make for an elegant sensory feast that is deliciously indulgent and yet as light as silk.

Hendricks Master Distiller Lesley Gracie
Hendrick’s Master Distiller, Lesley Gracie

Hendrick’s Master Distiller, Lesley Gracie, comments: “I’m always looking for inspiration and this time I found it leafing through historical recipes for stone fruit spirits – eaux de vies, peach schnapps, cherry liqueurs and the like – when those indulgent stone fruit flavours were really the ‘in thing’ for those that had the means to celebrate in spectacular style. I played around and found that when you put these different stone fruit flavours together, they give you a nice rich depth of flavour. I added sweet herbs to round the vibrant fruit out. It’s the first time I’ve experimented with stone fruits and I love how it adds a decadent depth of flavour, whilst maintaining a refreshing lightness.”

Ally Martin, Hendrick’s Global Brand Ambassador, adds: “It’s fascinating to dig deep into cocktail history and see what flavour combinations captivated creative minds in Paris at the turn of the 20th Century. Stone fruit flavours, rose scents and gin were a magical combination in the most opulent of establishments, and who better to deftly combine these flavours today than Hendrick’s Master Distiller, alchemist and liquid poet, Lesley Gracie.

“It’s ideal in a Hendrick’s Grand Cabaret and Tonic, but if you want to be a little fancier, the Hendrick’s Grand Cabaret Royale is an indulgent way celebrate. It combines Hendrick’s Grand Cabaret, cranberry, lime and a touch of sugar syrup which is topped with Champagne or sparkling wine for added decadence.”

The Hendrick’s GRAND CABARET bottle features a luxurious purple hue and is adorned with an eclectic mix of intriguing icons, including a stunning chandelier, a nod to the extravagant gatherings which inspired the liquid’s creation.


Hendricks Remarkable Gin out Friendly Garvin

Within the walls of the HENDRICK’S GIN Palace Garden, a most magical party is flourishing! Butterflies and bees dance in dizzy reverie, feasting on a banquet of fragrant flowers laid out especially by Ms Lesley Gracie. Now our Master Distiller wishes to invite you to join in these enchanting celebrations and introduce you to this delectable limited release Scottish Gin. 43.4% ABV

Perfect for casual get-togethers, HENDRICK’S FLORA ADORA is buzzing with an enticing aroma of enchanting flowers and a fresh, herbal character that is classically HENDRICK’S in style. The juniper and coriander backbone are lengthened by lush green and wonderfully sweet floral characteristics, creating a wonderfully balanced gin. Exquisite with tonic and a slice of cucumber, or perhaps try mixed long in a Wildgarden Cup – a medley of fresh mint, cooling cucumber and juicy raspberries lengthened with a refreshing lemon soda.

Gin Flora Adora HG

Hendricks Remarkable Gin out Friendly Garvin


HENDRICK’S GIN is created via an absurdly inefficient, yet quite glorious process. In essence, to make one gin, we first create two. One on an old-fashioned pot still, yielding a rich and intricate spirit. The other on a long-necked Carter Head, producing a delicate, more refined spirit. Each still is infused with an unusual symphony of 11 botanicals: chamomile, elderflower, juniper, lemon peel, orange peel, caraway, coriander, cubeb berries, angelica root, yarrow root and orris root. The gins from the two stills are then married together and graced with curious yet marvellous infusions of Rose and Cucumber.

HG Original section divider

This odd method of making gin enables HENDRICK’S to taste light, yet intriguingly complex. The result is a wondrously refreshing gin with a delightfully floral aroma, elevating any gin cocktail and all occasions.

HG Original Cucumber Lemonade

Hendricks Remarkable Gin out Friendly Garvin


Hendricks Remarkable Gin out Friendly Garvin

The sea is everything! Invigorated by a bracing breath of fresh coastal air and entranced by the endless living mysteries of the sea, Ms. Lesley Gracie considered a bold possibility: She longed to express the glorious sensory delights of the coast, as a gin. And so began HENDRICK’S NEPTUNIA GINHENDRICK’S NEPTUNIA GIN is a limited release that captures the magic of the sea, in a gin. 43.4% ABV.


Hendricks Remarkable Gin out Friendly Garvin

Our first maritime release, the fresh sea-song notes characteristic of native coastal flora vigorously emboldens HENDRICK’S signature combination of Cucumber and Rose, culminating in an astonishingly smooth citrus finish.

HENDRICK’S NEPTUNIA GIN is a captivating base for gin cocktails, and especially so in the following gin classics: HENDRICK’S NEPTUNIA’S complex smoothness creates a beguilingly flavoursome GIN & TONIC; The Curious Margarita is given fathoms of new depth: HENDRICK’S NEPTUNIA GIN is a thrilling base for the Gin Gimlet. Navigate other fine sea cocktails in the coastally glorious company of HENDRICK’S first and only seaside gin.

Do not be secretive about your own HENDRICK’S NEPTUNIA GIN adventures! Share a photograph, drawing or etching of yourself & your HENDRICK’S NEPTUNIA GIN cocktail. Go on, we dare you! Bizarre costumes and names (for you or the cocktails) are optional. #HendricksNeptunia

What had started as a hopeful rumour was confirmed: HENDRICK’S GIN has introduced a new member to its extraordinary gin family. The new ‘coastal gin’ is to be known by the magnificent name of ‘NEPTUNIA’,

a tribute to the Roman god of the sea and freshwater himself, Neptune. But, by Neptune’s barnacled beard – what exactly is HENDRICK’S NEPTUNIA GIN? HENDRICK’S Master Distiller (and keen coastal walker) Ms. Lesley Gracie has created an exquisite gin by emboldening HENDRICK’S signature combination of cucumber and rose with the bountiful joy of local coastal flora.

With coastal botanicals, a smooth citrus twist and the distant hint of the sea breeze, NEPTUNIA is utterly enticing. One would expect such a delight to stay forever but – to much public consternation – HENDRICK’S GIN has stated that the NEPTUNIA seaside-inspired gin is a strictly limited release. Despite this, HENDRICK’S GIN’S Head of Orderly Orders, Ms. Harata Krastavitsa, encourages gin enthusiasts to procure the exquisite liquid in an orderly fashion. “Do not panic. You will be able to get your hands on our NEPTUNIA.” Krastavitsa advised our correspondent.

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Does HENDRICK’S have an ulterior motive? We believe it does, our own research indicates that NEPTUNIA will be supporting PROJECT SEAGRASS, a vital environmental charity devoted to the conservation of seagrass ecosystems and marine biodiversity. Behind the frivolity of the cocktail bar,

NEPTUNIA will be helping to keep our seas healthy and happy. HENDRICK’S NEPTUNIA sea gin is proud to support PROJECT SEAGRASS, a vital element in protecting the oceans and the planet. Seagrass pastures are incredibly effective in storing carbon dioxide. More information can be found here https://www.projectseagrass.org/


Amazonia and Tonic HG
All global rights reserved. For any further queries please contact Ashley.Touhey@wgrant.com

It took a perilous quest into the depths of the Amazon jungle to discover the exact exquisite botanicals Ms. Lesley Gracie desired to create HENDRICK’S AMAZONIA GIN. Available exclusively at airports, this LIMITED RELEASE bright, tropical gin is inspired by her audacious adventure. 43.4% ABV

review hendricks amazonia

Hendricks Remarkable Gin out Friendly Garvin

Our most exotic release, the fresh vibrant notes characteristic of native jungle flora finely accentuates HENDRICK’S signature combination of Cucumber and Rose.

HENDRICK’S AMAZONIA GIN is fiendishly good in cocktails, and especially so in the following gin classics: HENDRICK’S AMAZONIA’S freshness enlivens the Gimlet; All punches are invigorated by the fresh, verdant flavour profile; The Pina Colada is given a new scintillatingly exotic depth: HENDRICK’S AMAZONIA is a thrilling gin base for the Espresso Martini for the seductively rich combination of coffee and our gin’s tropical notes. It is also utterly out-of-this-world for the beloved Corpse Reviver and sublime Tom Collins, two wonderfully unique gin cocktails.


hendricks lunar gin

Hendricks Remarkable Gin out Friendly Garvin

HENDRICK’S LUNAR is a delightfully smooth and alluring gin that is rich with night blooming floral essence, offering a delicate balance of warm baked spices, and finished with a crisp burst of citrus. LUNAR is best enjoyed during casual nights at home and is a curious companion for sundowners and starry nights with friends. 43.4% ABV.

Hendricks Lunar Gin

Hendricks Remarkable Gin out Friendly Garvin

HENDRICK’S LUNAR GIN is deeply floral and richly aromatic. It is an intriguing combination of the refreshing and the warm, designed to be shared and savoured on an evening as the sun goes down and the moon charges the sky.

This limited release gin is devised under a waxing crescent by master distiller Ms. Lesley Gracie. It’s for slow sipping, fanciful conversations and other contemplative pleasures and blends perfectly in mysterious, smoky gin cocktails.



Hendricks Remarkable Gin out Friendly Garvin

Hendrick’s Midsummer Solstice is A DEEPLY FLORAL gin inspired by the eternal mystery of nature’s most vivid blooms on the Midsummer solstice. This delightful and refreshing take on the Hendrick’s house style is Lesley Gracie’s tribute to the sensory powers of the midsummer solstice, when botanicals (and flowers in particular are believed to be at their most powerful. 41.1 % ABV.

Midsummer Solstice gin HG

Hendricks Remarkable Gin out Friendly Garvin

The longer days and evenings call out for a light and crisp libation. With playful lightness & wicked crispness, this flirtatiously floral incarnation of HENDRICK’S is perfect for day-casions, such as brunch in summertime.


hendrick s orbium gin

Hendricks Remarkable Gin out Friendly Garvin

ORBIUM is a re-imagining of Hendrick’s Gin by our Master Distiller, Lesley Gracie. It is what Hendrick’s might taste like in a parallel universe. Instilled with additional extracts of Quinine, Wormwood and Blue Lotus Blossom, the result is an oddly exquisite gin that sits roundly on the palate. 43% ABV.

Hendricks Orbium Gin

Hendricks Remarkable Gin out Friendly Garvin

Orbium contains the same distillates as Hendrick’s Gin, however, the same remarkable mind that broke conventions infusing gin with essences of cucumber and rose has now taken gin in an altogether new direction by infusing flavours that are traditionally associated with classic gin libations; quinine found in tonic (G&T) and wormwood found in Vermouth (Martini’s). But it is not yet quite Orbium.

The addition of Blue Lotus Blossom exquisitely balances the overall flavour; but, the trinity of essences create a complex gin with surprising brightness and a finish that is uncommonly long. The result is an unfamiliar taste that is oddly familiar in character, designed to open up previously unexplored dimensions of gin as it spirals from floral into an altogether deeper and alluringly bitter place.


Kanaracuni HG

Hendricks Remarkable Gin out Friendly Garvin

ollowing an intrepid and most perilous quest deep into the heart of the Venezuelan rainforest, Hendrick’s Gin Master Distiller Lesley Gracie created an extraordinary, and exceptionally rare, batch of special edition gin – Hendrick’s Kanaracuni.

Hendricks Bottle Kanaracuni

In 2013, Lesley Gracie and Global Ambassador, David Piper ventured into the Venezuelan rainforest under the stewardship of renowned explorer, Charles Brewer-Carias and expert botanist, Francisco Delascio. Trekking through several different terrains of the Guiana Highlands, from savannahs and mountain foots to riverbanks and dense jungle, Lesley tested many promising plant species using her tiny ten-litre alembic still. One botanical in particular captured her senses, that of the most unusual, ‘Scorpion Tail’ with its intriguing complex deep green note.

Lesley making Scorpion Tail distillate

Hendricks Remarkable Gin out Friendly Garvin

In the heart of the jungle, Lesley prepared 8.4 litres of Scorpion Tail concentrate, which she successfully transported in her suitcase back to the distillery. Curious to see how the Scorpion Tail distillate would work with Hendrick’s Gin, Lesley immediately got to work on the special edition batch.

Nosing Scorpion Tail plant

Working out the exact balance of the flavour of the new botanical with the existing cucumber and rose infused Hendrick’s gin took some time before the winning formulation came to fruition. Hendrick’s Kanaracuni, which is named after the village where the expedition team were based during their two-week research trip, was not available for retail and only 560 bottles were made. Were you one of the lucky ones that managed to sample this treasure?

Bottle Hendricks edited

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Hendricks Remarkable Gin out Friendly Garvin

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