EXPLORERS Fine Gin Amazing Golden Era

Gin Brands United Kingdom

Unit 2, Botley Farm, Wick Ln, Downton, Salisbury SP5 3NW, UK

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EXPLORERS Fine Gin Amazing Golden Era

  • Proud to be British and Artisan
  • Celebrate our Wiltshire Heritage
  • Be Sustainable & Ethical
  • Use local & partner with other ethical brands
  • Celebrate local provenance
  • Environmental Stewardship
  • Local Community, during Covid we supported our local communities with our hand sanitiser

Downton is one of the oldest villages in England, settled between 4,000 – 3,000 B.C. The surrounding countryside can both show and tell the tales of Roman, Saxon, Viking and Norman occupation with hill forts and the Moot.

The lands surrounding Downton were granted to the Bishops of Winchester by King Alfred the Great. They lived in Parsonage Manor until the early 14th Century. The diocese of the Bishop of Winchester ran from the Isle of Wight and later the Channel Islands to the south bank of the River Thames at Southwark close to London Bridge where the remnant shell of Winchester Palace can be seen. It formed one of the largest and richest sees in the country.

In 1560 Parsonage Manor became a grace and favour home for the Queen. In 1583 it became home to a famous English Explorer ‘Sir Walter Raleigh’, who influenced Explorer’s Gin with his fabled exploits.

Downton Distillery, Downton, Old Distillery, Sir Walter Raleigh

The Distillery was located next to the former home of Sir Walter Raleigh, in the old carriage shed. The ‘Ark Royal’ was our original copper still. In 2021 the distillery moved to Botley Farm, home to Domaine Hugo.

Botley Farm, Downton Distillery, Domaine Hugo

Now 50m away from the organic, bio-dynamic vineyard of Domaine Hugo. Using their pomace we create our award winning Chardonnay Vodka. We also use their old wines to create an award winning limited edition Eau de Vie.

Downton Distillery, Botanical Garden, Plants, Wiltshire, Salisbury

Overlooking the Wiltshire Downs, our botanical garden acts as both a teaching tool for what we use in our spirits, but also as a nursery for young juniper saplings before they get planted out around the vineyard.


A ‘down’ is derived from the Old English word ‘dun’ which either means fort or hill, which were usually built on hills. Wiltshire is famous for its White horses and its many prehistoric monuments. It has more than any other county in England. 40% of the county is classified as an ‘Area of Outstanding Natural Beauty’ this includes our location.

Technology seems to have shrunk the world around us, web cams can place us on the Great Wall of China, apps can translate language and air travel makes more remote destinations accessible. It has not changed what we feel for the love of a challenge, the excitement and tension prior, then the mental and physical demands that we place upon ourselves, more so when things are not going our way.

Exploration is more than a destination, it is about the experiences that change us and those around us on the journey. Setting up Downton Distillery was our own adventure, full of challenges, twists and turns. It continues to be so, where you are continually learning and moving forward.  We took a leap of faith into the unknown, a world filled with colour, flavour, and beauty. There were no boundaries and through journeying the currents we have discovered new shores.

Our adventure has seen obstacles overcome, dead ends navigated, and new doors opened. Our lives have been enriched by a wonderful vibrant community who have welcomed us with open arms. Downton Distillery has been able to become more than the concept it once was, drawn up on a piece of paper. As with all ventures, trust your gut instinct when a situation may not seem right, walk away when needed, it is all part of the journey. Learn, laugh, grow and live to work, for your adventure has only just begun.

EXPLORERS Fine Gin Amazing Golden Era

EXPLORERS Fine Gin Amazing Golden Era


Having had a career in the Scots Guards, traveled through South America with Operation Raleigh, raced across the Andes, cycled down and across Europe, bagged various munros and mountains, it was time for a new challenge.

Having had a Great Uncle who was both a brewer and distiller, the stars were aligning but everything clicked when taking his partner on a course at the City of London Distillery. It was then finding a mentor and learning the craft. Downton Distillery was founded in 2018.

Since then he has completed the WSET Level 1 & 2 Spirits & Sake Level 1 course. In 2024 he became a judge for the Gin Guide Awards.

All our spirits have been designed and made at the distillery, by Hugh. Where possible local provenance is sourced / used within our spirits.

If you are a cyclist you may find him Zwifting in the evenings under Downton Distillery.



Between 2015 and 2023, the number of gin distilleries grew by 332% to 820. Most cities now have a local distiller, making the UK one of the most competitive markets in the world.

Explorer's Gin, Downton Distillery, Wiltshire

EXPLORERS Fine Gin Amazing Golden Era

Was created to celebrate the Explorer’s of the ‘Golden Era of Discovery’. Its colour represents the depths to the surface of the ocean, whilst the lines symbolise map and star navigation lines.

The central logo is the compass rose, together with the radiating and intersecting rhumb lines our navigation lines, were the basic elements of the portolan charts used by all navigators of this era.

The choice of botanicals are also part of our story. Western Red Cedar the backbone to the gin came back from the New World, now grows outside the distillery. Pink Pepper from South America tips our hat to Sir Walter Raleigh’s final expedition for the lost city of gold. Sichuan pepper links our most famous explorer to this era ‘Sir Francis Drake’ having completed his voyage around the world (1577 – 1580) on Golden Hind.

Wiltshire has some of the most beautiful landscape in the country, but two of its natural species have declined to the point where one became extinct. By supporting us, we are helping rewild Juniper and supporting the Great Bustard Conservation programme.

Wiltshire Downs, Grain, Downton, Wheat, Gin, Vodka

Our distillery is sat on the Wiltshire Downs which boast stunning, rolling landscapes characterized by sweeping chalk hills, open grasslands, and picturesque valleys. The undulating terrain offers panoramic views that change with the seasons, showcasing vibrant colors, including lush greenery in spring and summer and golden hues in autumn.

The Downs are home to a diverse array of habitats, including chalk grasslands, woodlands, wetlands, and heathlands. This rich biodiversity supports a wide variety of plant and animal species including the ‘Great Bustard’ adding to the area’s natural beauty and ecological significance.

After a tour, take a walk down our local drovers track and immerse yourself in nature.

Regular price £45.00


EXPLORERS Fine Gin Amazing Golden Era

Explorer’s Gin pays tribute to the explorers of the ‘Golden Era’, who navigated uncharted waters and to today’s explorers who continue to push the boundaries. Explorer’s Gin is our first released gin, capturing the ‘Spirit of Adventure’ with western red cedar providing the backbone.

  • 44% ABV @ 700ml
  • Contemporary London Dry 
  • Distilled and bottled in Downton, Wiltshire
  • Small Batch, 100 bottles to a run all handsigned


Please keep your bottle and use our refill packs, with your next order, we will cover your shipping charge and these can be recycled.


Nose: Juniper, floral and citrus notes with a subtle bouquet of pineapple (red cedar), spice and anise.

Palate: Juniper appears at the forefront replaced by the bright bold citrus flavours, pink grapefruit and orange. Verbena provides the creamy textures. Pink pepper will cause the radial warmth on the core whilst Sichuan oils oxidising on your tongue will cause the mouth to cool providing the subtle tingling and menthol notes which enhance the tail notes of fennel and liquorice providing the final flourish that lingers in the mouth.

Finish: Smooth, rounded full bodied, with a luxurious texture.

Perfect Serve 50ml Explorer’s Gin, Fevertree Tonic, ice and garnished with either orange or grapefruit peel, zest the rim.

Short Serve Downton Negroni  I  35ml Explorer’s Gin, 35ml Campari, 35ml 1738 Red Vermouth. Ice. Stir. Orange twist.

Long Serve French 75 (Vermeire 1922)  I  40ml Explorer’s Gin, 20ml Calvados, grenadine & lemon juice. Shake. Twist.

Classic Serve Vesper Martini  I  60ml Explorer’s Gin, 20ml Downton Chardonnay Vodka, 10ml Lillet Blanc. Ice. Stir.

Regular price £39.00

GreatBustardGinGold2 Downton

EXPLORERS Fine Gin Amazing Golden Era


‘Great Bustard Gin is one of the best releases from the UK within the last twelve months.’ Olivier Ward Head Judge IWSC. 

‘An exceptional gin which has a bold well balanced flavour profile with inviting aromas of citrus, spice and green notes, highly enjoyable as a Gin & Tonic.’ Gin Guide Awards


The gin celebrates Wiltshire’s iconic bird, the Great Bustard which is critically endangered. This exclusive gin has been created in collaboration with David Waters, Great Bustard Group Chairman, and is distilled with 12 botanicals including herbaceous plants that are part of the Great Bustard diet. These include wild rocket, alfalfa (lucerne), red clover and yarrow, all found on the Wiltshire Downs and Salisbury Plain.

Monies from every 70cl bottle is donated to the Great Bustard Organisation. 

  • 40% ABV @ 700ml
  • Contemporary London Dry 
  • Distilled and bottled in Downton, Wiltshire
  • Small Batch, 100 bottles to a run and signed by the patron and distiller
  • King Charles III is the patron of the charity


Please keep your bottle as refills are now available which you can send back to us for free.

Great Bustard Gin

Nose: Sweet Orange with a soft hint of cardamon.

Palate: Aromatic herbaceous bouquet dominated by notes of rosemary and thyme leading to a palate of citrus and juniper rich core with pronounced sweetness, broad complexity. Floral and cardamom notes intertwine with sweet warming spices, culminating in a harmoniously long finish.

Finish: Smooth, rounded full bodied, with a lovely citrus note at the back of the mouth.

Garnish with orange peel.

Alfalfa, also called lucerne, is a perennial flowering plant. It is cultivated as an important forage crop in many countries around the world. It is used for grazing, hay, and silage, as well as a green manure and cover crop. The name alfalfa is used in North America. The name lucerne is more commonly used in the United Kingdom. The plant superficially resembles clover (a cousin in the same family), especially while young. It has clusters of small purple flowers followed by fruits spiraled in two to three turns containing 10–20 seeds. It has been cultivated as livestock fodder since at least the era of the ancient Greeks and Romans. 

It is often found in food shops as young sprouts as it is nutritious and high in protein.

Aubrey is our Great Bustard cartoon character created by Alex Crump a full time freelance illustrator and storyteller in Swindon. Watch out for some Aubrey merchandise


Involves the systematic evaluation of the sensory attributes. The appearance, aroma, clarity, flavour and texture of products through human sensory perception.

Authentic, Transparent, provenance, wiltshire, downton, salisbury, distillery, copper, still,

UK has experienced a craft spirits boom in recent years. This has led to the emergence of numerous small-scale, artisanal distilleries producing unique and high-quality spirits, often with a focus on local ingredients and innovative flavour profiles. Large spirits companies have also sought to jump aboard the spirits revival bandwagon with their own sub-brands, appearing as smaller craft brands, with their own funky branding. With little transparency on offer customers have been confused in who they are supporting, a small local distillery or a global brand. The ‘Made In’ Campaign is to provide transparency to this question, that you are supporting local.

A range of botanicals that are foraged for or sourced locally. Once used all our botanicals are composted, which are then used as fertiliser in the vineyards.

alfalfa, lucerne, Great Bustard Gin, Bustard, Diet, Healthy, Downton Distillery


An ancient plant whose history goes back to the Romans who called it the ‘father of all foods’ with it’s ability to put nitrogen back into the ground. It is an important food source for the Great Bustard on Salisbury Plain. Young shoots are sold as bean sprouts at markets and used in salads. This provides the herbaceous back bone to Great Bustard Gin.

Western Red Cedar, Explorer's Gin, Downton, Salisbury


The leaves of Western Red Cedar are bright green with a fragrant aroma when crushed. The oils provide woody, bright, citrus, pine over tones which pairs well with juniper. The tree originated from the west coast of America in 1852, where it is revered.  It provides the back bone to Explorer’s Gin.

Chardonnay Grape, Domaine Hugo, Downton Distillery


Used in our Charonnay Vodka. Most discard their pomace once the grapes have been pressed. We take the skin, stems and seeds, barrel it and ferment it prior to distilling. The skins provide a very distinctive profile which are cacao and pepper notes, alongside the sweet notes you expect from the wine. Once distilled we compost the pomace. A sustainable spirit.

walnut, nut, nocino, liqeuer, downton, distillery


There are several walnut trees growing around the distillery and what a great way to show local provenance through our Nocino. Wet walnuts are cut and infused alongside various spices, coffee beans and vanilla. Maple syrup is used to sweeten the spirit creating a liqeuer rich in flavour, that has a distinctive earthy, herbal note. A sustainable spirit.


Is when all the botanical ingredients used to flavour the spirit are added to the still at the beginning of the distillation process. This differs from other methods where some botanicals are added later in the process or infused separately from the base spirit. It is highly regarded for its ability to capture the full spectrum of botanical flavours and aromas, resulting in a more nuanced and complex gin profile.

Downton Distillery, Distilling, Gin, Salisbury, Wiltshire

EXPLORERS Fine Gin Amazing Golden Era

We handcraft all our spirits, meticulously following recipes we’ve developed, tested, and perfected, incorporating locally or ethically sourced ingredients. Each ingredient playing a part within that spirit.

We start by macerating the botanicals in alcohol for 48hrs before distilling them. Once distilled we leave the new spirits to rest prior to diluting them with our own natural spring water from the downs.

We do not use chill filtration, this is where the spirit once chilled is passed through a fine mesh filter, often made of cellulose or activated charcoal. The filter traps any fatty acids, proteins, and other compounds that can cause the spirit to become hazy or develop a cloudy appearance when chilled.

There is no automation, with every step done by hand, which is carefully monitored ensuring we create spirits of distinction that are characterful and unique.

Our still is called Abeona. She was the Roman goddess of outward journeys, watching over those who set out on their adventures. She also watched over children as they left home for the first time to explore the world.


It is a process where the gin must be produced through redistilling ethyl alcohol with natural botanicals. No artificial ingredients may be added, except a tiny amount of sugar to sweeten the spirit. Water is the only substance that may be added once distilled. Explorer’s Gin and Great Bustard Gin use this process.


EXPLORERS Fine Gin Amazing Golden Era

We want to create unique quality spirits using traditional practices, whilst creating a visionary and sustainable brand. We believe in supporting ethical suppliers and producers, whilst contributing to our vibrant industry and inspiring others to follow our steps. Together working with other local businesses, we can bring meaningful benefits, sustainable actions, rewilding, supporting charities, sharing stories and helping each other succeed in these times of hardship. Ambition means nothing without action.

We also love a good collaboration or challenge just ask James.

“Tell me and I forget, teach me and I may remember, involve me and I learn.”

– Benjamin Franklin

Visit the distillery and discover the history of Downton Distillery, the heritage of the surrounding area and how this has influenced our award-winning premium spirits. The distillery is located on the Domaine Hugo Vineyard which overlooks the Wiltshire Downs and Avon Valley.

The tours are designed to inform, entertain, and may require your active participation. Tours will take groups of 10 – 12 people only, which ensures everyone enjoys their time and gets the best experience possible. The events are run by Hugh Anderson, the founder and head distiller of Downton Distillery.

For larger groups or private tours please contact us.

Small Seperator, Downton Distillery, Wiltshire
Tuscan Juniper

Cost: £25

Duration: 1.5hrs

  • Learn about the history of Downton and what makes us unique.
  • Tour the vineyard and see where we are re-wilding Juniper.
  • How we make our award winningChardonnay Vodka
  • Learn how we make Explorer’s Gin and the botanicals that we use.
  • Learn about our conservation work with the Great Bustard Group
  • Sample Explorer’s Gin and then enjoy a complimentary Gin and Tonic.
  • How we make our other spirits.

Downton Distillery, Environmental Policy, Juniper

Cost: £50

Duration: 4hrs

  • Learn about the history of Downton and what makes us unique.
  • Learn how we make Explorer’s Gin and the botanicals that we use.
  • Sample Explorer’s Gin and then enjoy it in a classic Gin and Tonic.
  • Tour the vineyard and see where we are re-wilding Juniper.
  • Participate in a bottle run, helping sign bottles
  • Discuss receipe creation
  • Enjoy 2 delicious cocktails using Explorer’s Gin.

Small Seperator, Downton Distillery, Wiltshire
  • Bring valid ID with you as we operate a challenge 25 policy.
  • You will be required to walk around the grounds, so sensible footwear should be worn.
  • As the distillery has no heating, please bring warm clothing during the winter months.
  • Having visited the Distillery eat at either ‘The Wooden Spoon’ or ‘The Goat’, our local pubs.
Small Seperator, Downton Distillery, Wiltshire

EXPLORERS Fine Gin Amazing Golden Era

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